- Boredom or attention-seeking. Dogs may whine to go out if they are bored or want attention. If you take your dog out every time it whines, even if it doesn’t go potty, you are inadvertently reinforcing the whining behavior.
- Medical condition. Some medical conditions, such as urinary tract infections, bladder stones, and kidney disease, can cause dogs to whine frequently and have difficulty urinating. If you suspect that your dog may have a medical condition, it is important to take them to the veterinarian for evaluation.
- Anxiety or stress. If your dog is anxious or stressed, it may whine and exhibit other behaviors such as pacing, panting, and licking. Anxiety or stress can be triggered by a variety of factors, such as changes in routine, loud noises, and new people or animals in the home.
- Excitement. Some dogs may whine out of excitement when they are about to go for a walk or play outside.
If your dog is whining to go out but not potty, the first step is to rule out any medical conditions. Once you have ruled out medical causes, you can start to address the behavior.

Tips for dealing with a dog that whines to go out but doesn't potty:
- Create a potty schedule and stick to it. Take your dog outside to go potty at regular intervals, even if they don’t ask. This will help to regulate their bladder and bowel movements and reduce the likelihood of accidents.
- Ignore whining. If your dog whines to go out but doesn’t potty, ignore them. If you give them attention for whining, you will be reinforcing the behavior.
- Praise and reward pottying outside. When your dog does potty outside, be sure to praise them and give them a small treat. This will help them to learn that pottying outside is a good thing.
- Provide plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. A bored dog is more likely to whine and exhibit other unwanted behaviors. Make sure to give your dog plenty of exercise and mental stimulation each day.
If you are having trouble addressing the behavior on your own, you may want to consult with a certified dog trainer or behaviorist. They can help you to develop a training plan that is tailored to your dog’s individual needs.
It is important to be patient and consistent when training your dog to stop whining to go out but not potty. It may take some time, but with patience and consistency, you can teach your dog to communicate their needs in a more appropriate way.
Train your dog easily...
Online dog training courses offer a number of benefits, including:
- Convenience: Online courses can be taken from anywhere, at any time, which is ideal for people with busy schedules.
- Affordability: Online courses are often less expensive than in-person courses, and there are no travel costs.
- Flexibility: Online courses allow you to learn at your own pace and rewind or repeat lessons as needed.
- Accessibility: Online courses are accessible to people with disabilities or who live in remote areas.
- Variety: There is a wide variety of online dog training courses available, covering everything from basic obedience to more advanced topics such as agility and working dog training.
Overall, online dog training courses can be a great way to train your dog at your own convenience and pace. If you are considering enrolling your dog in a training course, be sure to do your research and choose a course that is reputable and offers the features that are important to you.